Patient list | | Glossary of terms Carolina Raptor Center
26395 Problems Notes Costs
Admission date2024-07-10
Final date -
Days in captivity97
SpeciesGHOW - Great horned owl
Feather damage - Major
Parasitic - Capillaria
SQ Emphysema

Cause of injury: Unknown

Finder present at release
Release where found

Found in Rock Hill,SC
York county
Here is a summary of this patient's treatments and expenses:

Daily rate9715.401493.80
Fecal exam462.00248.00
Total  2761.80

Costs are estimates based on fees charged at a local avian specialist.
Radiographs and images





2024-10-14 16:30 me
Leftovers: 0
Food: 106 g r (+ vit + Ca)
Exercise: 15x, needed strong encouragement

Tail feathers need imping
Bird can fly full lengths but often does not; Probably just need to imp tail and release

Flight eval
Exam date - 2024-10-14
Examiner - me
Flew 15 x cage length, most of them with at least one ceiling touch and a few with two touches; did fly 4 full lengths with 20' gliding

2024-10-13 16:24 AG
Leftovers: 0
Food: 95g r
Exercise: 10-12x, used encouragement
BAR, Perched, NOLO
Kept hitting roof of enclosure, glide needs a couple flaps at end to get up to perch

2024-10-12 15:30 ABH
Leftovers: 0
Food: 99 g m
Exercise: 10 x

NOLO. BARP. Extremely defensive, lots of hissing and clacking. Requires a lot of encouragement to fly. Multiple ceiling strikes during each flight. Struck at food immediately.

2024-10-11 16:22 SD
Leftovers: 0
Food: 125 g ck (+ vit + Ca)

BARP. Clacking, puffing up, and hissing. Exercised 2x before he refused. NOLO. Water good.

2024-10-10 15:50 KK
Leftovers: 0
Food: 110 g r
Exercise: 10-12x, use encouragement. Flew 10x but needed a lot of encouragement. Maintained an aggressive posture when perched. BARP NOLO

2024-10-09 15:46 jh
Leftovers: 0
Food: 95 g ck (+ vit + Ca)
Exercise: 10-12x, use encouragement

BAR, laying (like a duck) on the ground in far corner of enclosure, seemed to be asleep. As I approached, startled to feet and then went to perch
Once on perch, clacky and defensive. Gave a very hoarse stream of "hoots"

Flew 2 laps without encouragement then had to prod. Stopped after 5x due to bird going to ceiling 2-3 times each lap. Flight is quiet and balanced while flying straight.

NOLO, refreshed water

2024-10-08 15:00 lkm
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 2 animals
Food in cage: 185 g total ck
Exercise: Blue 11x, Orange 9x

BARP both birds, blue flew as soon as entered, Ex 11x, he is flying higher than previous
times, Orange Ex 9x, flew up to ceiling at perch every time before flying to other
perch, and all but 1x flew up and hung from ceiling at halfway before flying to other
perch, clacky, hissing, defensive, resistant to exercise, NOLO

[26210] / 22012/Blue / ASY / UNK -
[26395] / 22093/orange / HY / UNK -

2024-10-07 12:05 sec
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 2 animals
Food in cage: 193 g ck+m (+ vit + Ca) NOLO
Exercise: 10-12x (Stop if crashing to ground)
No crashing to ground

[26210] / 22012/Blue / ASY / UNK - 12x- flew to ceiling once while flying back and
forth. Dipped very low a few times. Flew very easily. Strong flight and landings
[26395] / 22093/orange / HY / UNK - 0 times!! As soon as I walked inside the enclosure,
he fluffed up and clicked his beak. He would not fly, even though I threw a little
stick up in his direction.

2024-10-06 15:51 RMB/AG
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 2 animals
Food in cage: 187 g m
Exercise: 10-12x (Stop if crashing to ground)

[26210] / 22012/Blue / ASY / UNK -
[26395] / 22093/orange / HY / UNK -

Litte one flies well but dips
Big one needs encouragement and hits ceiling multiple times but glides well

2024-10-05 15:30 ABH
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 3 animals
Food in cage: 202 g R in total

NOLO. BARP. 3 Birds in enclosure.

[26210] / 22012/Blue / ASY / UNK - Able to fly p2p. Frequetly hit ceiling hard. 14
flights completed.
[26252] / 22083 / UNK / UNK - Able to fly p2p accurately without incident. Heavy
breathng noted after 10 flights
[26395] / 22093/orange / HY / UNK - Refused to fly, even with lots of encouragment.
Very defensive. No flights made. Struck at food immediately.

2024-10-04 17:34 LT
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 3 animals
Food in cage: 270 g ck (+ vit + Ca) TOTAL
Exercise: 10-12x (Stop if crashing to ground)

[26210] / 22012/Blue / ASY / UNK -
[26252] / 22083 / UNK / UNK -
[26395] / 22093/orange / HY / UNK -

All 3 BARP. NOLO. Exercise completed successfully 12x for two of the GHOW, and stopped
after 9x for one due to increased defensive behavior

2024-10-03 15:52 me

Band changed to: 22093/orange

2024-10-03 15:30 me
Weight: 1479 grams, Keel score: 3.5, Leftovers: 0
Weight change: +94 g (7 %)
Added orange ID tape to band
fairly extensive feather damage - all retrices at least tipped and
outer primaries on both sides tipped

Added 99 g R

Feather check
  Ok  Fault bar  Dystrophic
  Old  Curled  Broken, not impable
  Extra  Tipped  Missing
  IB, mature  Soiled  Mutilated
  IB  Bent  Unknown
  Imped  Broken, impable   
  Frayed  Singed   

2024-10-02 16:53 jh
Leftovers: 0
Food: 102 g ck (+ vit + Ca)
Exercise: 10-12x, use encouragement

BARP, NOLO, stopped after 8x laps due to crashing into ceiling

2024-10-01 16:00 LR
Leftovers: 0
Food: 95-100 g m/ck
Exercise: 7-10x, use encouragement

NOLO. Clean water. VERY defensive. hissing and spurring wings. Had to get very close to exercise. Looked up at ceiling when leaving perch. banged into ceiling. Gave lots of encouragement and slight pushes but refused to move.

2024-09-30 17:15 GM
Leftovers: 0
Food: 108 g m (+ vit + Ca)
Exercise: 10-12x, use encouragement.

Bird was BARP, very defensive. Looked to ceiling to escape and tried to fly into ceiling and crashed down to ground 2 times. Was able to get bird to complete perch to perch and exercise 3x. Bird refused to fly after that. Got as close as comfortable to encourage and realized bird was not going to move from spot on perch. Bird was in full defensive stance, and hissing, so did not feel comfortable pushing bird to exercise more. Water clean. NOLO.

2024-09-29 12:06 fm/rmb
Leftovers: 0
Food: 98g m

BARP on entry.
flew 7x perch to perch. needed encouragement. crashing/touching ceiling often. clacking/hissing. defensive on perch. went to ground after 7x the refused to continue.

2024-09-28 11:42 EGG
Leftovers: 0
Food: 115 g m/ck (+ vit + Ca)
BARP, NOLO. Ex. 10x. Flew first lap easily, then became very stubborn. Once bothered enough, would turn to ceiling, stare for a bit, then jump. Sometimes hit roof, then flew, other times flew immediately.

2024-09-27 12:00 MS

FASTED due to tropical storm

2024-09-26 13:18 sc
Leftovers: 0
Food: 100 g m/ck

NOLO, perched when I entered. Flew a few lengths in the rain, very loud and wet.

2024-09-25 16:28 jh
Leftovers: 0
Food: 99 g ck (+ vit + Ca)
Exercise: 10-12x, use encouragement

BARP, defensive and clacky, NOLO, goes to new food immediately.
Did not change water due to rain
Exercised 8 laps but stopped due to crashing - Cere/beak had some markings, did not want to injure. Goes to ceiling before each lap.

2024-09-24 16:35 MS
Leftovers: 0
Food: 98 g m
Release eval by staff

BAR, flew once before we entered. NOLO. Changed water.

Flight eval
Exam date - 2024-09-24
Examiner - MS
Flew 10x. Overall, flight is not bad. Bird needed physically poked and pushed off the perch to fly, but the enclosure is too low to do a total assessment. Worth continuing with this one. Move to F6 soon.

2024-09-23 16:58 RMB/srm

Food: 120 g r (+ vit + Ca)
Exercise: 10-12x, use encouragement

bar, perched, very clicky and needed encouragement to fly but when they did they flew well

2024-09-22 15:41 EGG
Leftovers: 0
Food: 100 g m
BARF, NOLO. Was flying as I entered, once inside he clacked and hissed at me.

2024-09-22 10:59 EGG

Food: 95-100 g m/ck/r (+ vit + Ca)
Exercise: 10-12x, use encouragement
BAR, Perched. Ex 8x. Kept flying straight up at ceiling, hitting, then flying the rest of the enclosure. Refused to fly more, even with encouragement.

2024-09-21 14:15 ABH
Leftovers: 0
96 g ck

NOLO. BARP. Lots of hissing and clacking. Very defensive. After 3 flights, refused to fly when approached even with lots of encouragement.

2024-09-20 17:05 LT
Leftovers: 0
Food: 101 g ck (+ vit + Ca)
Exercise: 10-12x, use encouragement

BARP, NOLO. FLew 8x before stopping exercise due to stress. Very vocal and defensive. Clung to ceiling 4x during exercise. Water was clean. Began eating immediately.

2024-09-19 14:30 kk
Leftovers: 0
Food: 102 g m
Exercise: 10x, use encouragement; struggling

2024-09-18 16:43 jh
Leftovers: 0
Food: 97 g m/ck (+ vit + Ca)
Exercise: 10-12x, use encouragement

BARP, NOLO, very defensive, changed water and collected pellets
Flew 10x with encouragement but jumps to ceiling before doing each length, kept checking cere and face to make sure not hitting ceiling too hard. flight is loud. missed perch on last lap and did not recover to perch.
Pounced on food and ate immediately.

2024-09-17 15:45 LKM
Leftovers: 0
Food: 106 g m
Exercise: 8x, use encouragement

Flying as I opened first door, BARP, very defensive, clacky, hissing, Ex 8x, first time he hung from ceiling, landed on ground, then flew to perch, every time he flew up to ceiling first before flying to perch, landed on ground 2 other times and flew to perch from ground, NOLO

2024-09-16 16:30 GM
Leftovers: 0
Food: 101 g m (+ vit + Ca)
Exercise: 10-12x: Did not exercise due to rain.

BARP, then jumped to ground and ran halfway to other perch, then flew up to it. Hissy, clacky, defensive posturing. NOLO. Changed water.

2024-09-15 16:19 KG
Leftovers: 0
Food: 103g 1 m/ 2 ck
Exercise: 10-12x, use encouragement

BARP, NOLO. Very reluctant to fly, lots of clucking and puffing up. Ex 8x.

2024-09-14 16:07 RMB
Leftovers: 0
Food: 121 g R
Exercise: 10x
Release eval by staff
Staff check today

Sound is good. Has to be encouraged every time. Flies perch to perch but he stalls and thinks about going to ceiling before going on to perch. Flight is even and level but hard to get good eval due to mid-air pauses. No gliding is happening. Possible place in a longer enclosure to eval again.

Flight eval
Exam date - 2024-09-14
Examiner - RMB

2024-09-13 15:13 LT
Leftovers: 0
Food: 98 g m (+ vit + Ca)
Exercise: 6-8x

BARP. NOLO. Very vocal, alert, and defensive. Ex stopped after 5x due to crashing. Water was clean

2024-09-12 15:51 ah
Leftovers: 0
Food: 103 g m/ck
Exercise: perch to ceiling to perch x 3, perch to perch x 4. Was not wanting to fly anymore and seemed defensive so I stopped exercising.
Fed bird after exercising and he flew to the ground and started eating as soon as I placed food on the ground. Water was clean

2024-09-11 16:06 MB/CD
Leftovers: 0
Food: 93 g r (+ vit + Ca)
Exercise: 6-8x

BAR, NOLO. Perched, stubborn to fly, hissing/clacking/puffing. 6x flight was quiet with some dipping and clinging to ceiling

2024-09-10 15:36 jd
Leftovers: 0
Food:100 g ck
Exercise: 6-8x
Flying upon entry, lots of hissing/clacking, refused to do more than 4 laps, lacked direction when flying, aggressive

2024-09-09 16:41 cd/srm
Leftovers: 0
Food: 99 g m (+ vit + Ca)
Exercise: 6-8x

Bar, Perched, Flew well but needed encouragement to do so

2024-09-08 16:44 EGG
Leftovers: 0
Food: 103 g ck
Exercise: 6

Very vocal and aware.
Hitting wall and only flying halfway.

2024-09-07 14:45 AH/MS
Leftovers: 0
99g m

NOLO. BARP. Lots of hissing and clacking. Very defensive upon entry, aggressive when approached. Required multiple breaks between flights to calm down. Needed a lot of encouragement to fly. Able to fly p2p with some difficulty, frequently flew to ceiling. 5 flights completed.

2024-09-06 15:55 cd
Weight: 1385 grams
Weight change: -13 g (1 %)

Food: 98 g m (+ vit + Ca)

flew up to corner and clung, then perched

2024-09-05 15:51 /jb/ah/me
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 4 animals
Food in cage: 380 g m/ck
Exercise: 10-12x (Stop if crashing to ground)
3 birds flying well
clacky has many crashes to ground and sides of enclosure

2024-09-04 17:02 cd
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 4 animals
Food in cage: 328g R/m (+ vit + Ca) TOTAL
Exercise: 10-12x (Stop if crashing to ground)

NOLO. lost exact count during exercise

[26210] / 22012/Blue / ASY / UNK - 12+. Flies a little low, bit loud. Good glide.

[26252] / 22038/no color / UNK / UNK - 8+. Low flights and hard u-turns halfway through
enclosure. Did a few full lengths. Hesitant
[26298] / 22095/checkers / ATY / UNK - 10+. Wavers in air a bit, good glide and sound,
flies low toward end of ex
[26395] / 22093 / HY / UNK - Very hesitant to fly, only got him off the perch around
6x. Ceiling clings immediately and turns around to reperch. flew all the way perch
to perch twice

2024-09-03 18:17 MS

Group entry: 4 animals

----------- ORDER CHANGE -------------
stop fasting on Wednesdays

2024-09-03 15:59 me
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 4 animals
Food in cage: 373 g m/ck
Exercise: 10x (Stop if crashing to ground) - all flew except new bird 26395 (on high

2024-09-03 15:59 me

Band changed to: 22093

2024-09-03 15:58 me
Weight: 1398 grams, Keel score: 4.0
Weight change: +26 g (2 %)
Moved to F6
Did not notice that orange tape was gone from ID band until it was too late

2024-09-02 16:53 sc/srm
Leftovers: 0
Food: 100 r (+ vit + Ca)
Exercise: 6-8x

Bar,perched,very agitated, nolo

2024-09-01 16:49 cd
Leftovers: 0
Food: 105 g dk m/ck
Exercise: 6-8x -- 6x, then landed on ground; stopped ex. Ceiling clung during a few laps, lots of effort in flaps.
NOLO. Placed food on brick after he grounded during exercise, took a second then walked over and ate

2024-08-31 14:30 CD/AH
Leftovers: 0
110g ck

NOLO. BARP. Very defensive. Lots of clacking and hissing. Able to fly p2p. One crash resulting in grounding. Able to reperch on first attempt. Refused to fly after crash. 5 flights completed.

2024-08-30 16:16 lt/cd
Leftovers: 0
Food: 108 g m/ck/r (+ vit + Ca)
Exercise: 6-8x

BARP. NOLO. Very alert and responsive. flew 6x, clinging to ceiling one time. Water changed

2024-08-29 16:29 jbmgs/me
Leftovers: 0
Food: 111 g ck
Exercise: 6-8x
Exercised with encouragement. Flies clumsily with many crashes

2024-08-28 16:39 jh/ms
Leftovers: 0
Food: 101 g ck (+ vit + Ca)
BARP, very defensive and clacky
NOLO, went for food immediately

2024-08-27 16:11 lkm/me
Leftovers: 0
Food: 109 g ck
Exercise: 6x

BARP, clacky, defensive, flying well, flew down to food as soon as I walked out, NOLO

2024-08-26 17:17 gm/rmb
Leftovers: 0
Food: 121 g m (+ vit + Ca)
Exercised: 6-8x

BARP, flew perch to perch, no dipping, hissy, defensive posture, clacky, slightly noisy. Flew down and ate two chicks whole quickly while refilling water.

Rt "ear" tuft feathers almost gone.

2024-08-25 16:34 jh/RMB
Leftovers: 0
Food: 96 g R/m
Exercise: 6-8x, flies well mostly gliding
BARP, clacky and defensive

2024-08-24 16:14 jh/ms
Leftovers: 0
Food: 98 g m
Exercise: 6-8x, a bit noisy
BARP, NOLO, defensive and clacky

2024-08-23 17:21 cd
Leftovers: 0
Food: 98g ck (+ vit + Ca)

BARP, clacky. NOLO. Did not have sheet and ex was not on card, did not get done tonight

2024-08-22 15:30 RMB/JB
Leftovers: 0
Food: 100 g ck
Exercise: 7x, crashed into ceiling

2024-08-21 16:14 MB/CD
Leftovers: 0
Food: 99 g ck (+ vit + Ca)
Exercise: 6-8x

Perched in right corner
Stubborn to fly, clacking/puffing between laps, clinging to ceiling, flight with some flapping noises

2024-08-20 16:08 MS
Leftovers: 0
Food: 111 g ck
Exercise: 6-8x

BAR, very hissy and clacky. Exercised 6x p2p. Dropped to ground a few times but able to get back up to perch. Flight sounds loud. NOLO.

2024-08-19 17:33 RMB/SRM
Leftovers: 0
Food: 105g m (+ vit + Ca)

BAR, defensive stance, clacking, hissing

Exercise: reluctant to fly. Hissy, defensive when approacing. Ex 6-8x flew perch to perch, somewhat noisy

2024-08-18 11:25 RMB/DG
Weight: 1372 grams, Keel score: 3.0, Leftovers: 0
Weight change: +35 g (3 %)
Food: 116 gck/r
Keel check
Feather check

Feather check
  Ok  Fault bar  Dystrophic
  Old  Curled  Broken, not impable
  Extra  Tipped  Missing
  IB, mature  Soiled  Mutilated
  IB  Bent  Unknown
  Imped  Broken, impable   
  Frayed  Singed   

2024-08-17 15:39 bt/RMB
Leftovers: 0
Food: 110 g m/ck/r (+ vit + Ca)
BARP, clacky, exercised 6x. Short flight from perch to perch, not silent

2024-08-16 17:45 MB/CD
Leftovers: 0
Food: 102 g dk m (+ vit + Ca)
Exercise: 7x
NOLO, BARP- vocal and clicking, wings extended and feathers pufffed when perched, stopped 1/2 way between perches and grabbed onto ceiling a few times, landed on ground during exercise 2x

2024-08-15 14:51 jb/mgs/me
Leftovers: 0
Food: 107ck (+ vit + Ca) Watch food intake carefully
Exercise: 6-8x
Hissy and clacky, would only exercise x4

2024-08-14 15:04 MS /GC
Leftovers: 0
Food: 104 g ck (+ vit + Ca) Watch food intake carefully
Exercise: 6-8x

BARP, NOLO, clacky. Exercised 7 x. Crashed into ceiling beams first few laps but was much cleaner final laps. Hesitant to take off.

2024-08-13 17:23 AAH/ms

Food: 109 g ck (+ vit + Ca)


2024-08-12 15:11 RMB/JH
Leftovers: 0
Food: 94 g r (+ vit + Ca) Watch food intake carefully
Exercise: 6-8x
BARP, NOLO, clacky, has slight L wing droop in defensive stance
Clung to ceiling on some laps but flight looks great when going P2P - quiet and balanced

2024-08-11 15:25 jn/rmb

Food: 110g R
nolo; BAR
Exercise: 6-8x; flew well

2024-08-10 12:51 MS
Weight: 1337 grams, Keel score: 3.0, Leftovers: 0
Weight change: +107 g (9 %)
Food: 100 g m
Keel check

BARP, clacking in hand. Tips of retrices look a big raggedy, but bird is ready for somewhere larger. NOLO. Changed water.

2024-08-09 17:25 lt/cd
Leftovers: 0
Food: 100-110 g m/ck/r (+ vit + Ca) Watch food intake carefully
Exercise: 6-8x

BARP. NOLO. exercised successfully 6x before becoming defensive. began eating immediately.

2024-08-08 10:25 RMB
Leftovers: 0
Food: 115g m/

BARP, nolo

2024-08-07 15:41 GC/RMB
Leftovers: 0
Food: 101 g ck (+ vit + Ca) Watch food intake carefully
Exercise: 6-8x

BAR, on ground upon entry, NOLO. Hissy, clacky and defensive. Exercised 7 x, flying P to P. Not seen gliding today. Hesitant to take off. Seems to land well.

2024-08-06 16:15 ME
Leftovers: 0
Food: 111 g r Watch food intake carefully
Exercise: 7x, overshooting perch and hitting wall a few times; refused to fly after 7

2024-08-05 17:28 RMB/GM
Leftovers: 0
Food: 110 g r (+ vit + Ca) Watch food intake carefully
Exercise: 6-8x

BAR, clacking, perched, flying perch to perch, NOLO

2024-08-04 17:03 GC/CD
Leftovers: 0
Food: 120 g R Watch food intake carefully
Exercise: 6-8x

BARP, NOLO. Clacky and hissy. Hesitant to take off and crashed into ceiling first lap. Exercised 6 x

2024-08-03 15:26 MS
Leftovers: 0
Food: ~104 g ck

BAR, flew p2p multiple times. After grabbing roommate, bird flew at my head to get up to perch. NOLO. Gave water.

2024-08-03 12:00 cd

Band changed to: 22093/orange

2024-08-02 14:28 me

Group entry: 2 animals
Food: added 100 g R

adult on the ground

2024-08-02 13:03 es/sc
Leftovers: 0
Food: 107 g m (+ vit + Ca) Watch food intake carefully
Exercise: 6-8x

No lo
Flew well, from perch to perch

2024-08-01 14:50 es/rmb
Leftovers: 0
Food: 116 g r (+ vit + Ca) Watch food intake carefully
Exercise: 6-8x

Perched in corner
No lo
flew well, did fly lap around enclosure

2024-07-31 17:20 jh/cd
Leftovers: 0
Food: 111 R & dk m (+ vit + Ca) Watch food intake carefully
BARP, NOLO, stayed on perch during food drop

2024-07-31 14:12 RMB
Weight: 1230 grams, Leftovers: 1
Weight change: -72 g (6 %)

2024-07-31 14:02 MS

Group move to: R6

2024-07-31 14:01 MS

Group entry: 4 animals
Moved all to R6 due to potential predator situation.


2024-07-30 17:20 lkm/bw
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 4 animals
Food in cage: 294 g total r

BARP, 1 bird BAR on ground but flew to perch, 2 of the birds flew perch to perch
2x, defensive, clacky, NOLO

2024-07-29 17:35 bw/gm

Group entry: 4 animals
Food in cage: 365g R

All birds were alert and perched.
One eye was flying and gliding well-no issues landing. Bird was just dipping very
The HY bird(orange) seemed to be struggling to fly. Was only able to make a full
pass two or three times but often went to the ground or clung to the ceiling/wall.
Needed encouragement to fly.
Other two birds have picked off their colors and could not tell them apart but both
seemed to be flying well.

2024-07-28 17:31 cd
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 4 animals
Food in cage: 404g m
Exercise: 8-10x (Stop if crashing to ground)

Exercised all around 9x. Orange fell to ground a few times at the start then perched
consistently. Purple made a few ceiling clings and U-turns but did have a few successful
full flights. NOLO

2024-07-27 17:04 SD/MS
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 4 animals
Food in cage: 359g ck

BARP. Clicking. Exercised 6x before I stopped.
No LOs, water good.

2024-07-26 18:11 lt/cd
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 4 animals
Food in cage: 420 g m (+ vit + Ca) TOTAL
Exercise: 8-10x (Stop if crashing to ground)

BARP NOLO. very brigt and alert. All four GHOW flew 5x before three began to cling
and crash to the ground.

2024-07-25 15:56 kk/rmb
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 4 animals
Food in cage: 406 g m/ck Total


Moved 2 GHOWs from R18 and R35a into F6

2024-07-25 15:55 kk/rmb

Band changed to: 22093/Orange

2024-07-25 14:45 MS

Pushed move to tomorrow due to weather.

2024-07-24 17:47 MS
Leftovers: 0
Food: 100-110 g M/CK/R (+ vit + Ca) Watch food intake carefully

BARP, hopped to ground when I entered. Hissing and clacking, ran away when I picked up fallen feather. No casts seen, but lots of mutes under front perch. NOLO, water clean.

2024-07-24 12:19 GC/RMB
Weight: 1302 grams, Keel score: 3.5, Leftovers: 0
Weight change: +86 g (7 %)
Food: 31 g FL + 31 g m (+ vit + Ca) Watch food intake carefully

Very BAR, NOLO. Not seen perching. Can only hop and flutter- not seen truly flying. Very clacky/vocal

----------- ORDER CHANGE -------------
switch to SID tomorrow and move to flight cage

2024-07-23 17:19 MS
Leftovers: 0
Food: 62 g 1/2 FL + 1/2 ck (+ vit + Ca)

BARP, hissing clacking. Kept trying to fly into wall. Changed water. NOLO.

2024-07-23 09:20 me/ea
Leftovers: 0
Food: 64 g 1/2 FL + 1/2 M (+ vit + Ca) Watch food intake carefully

BARP when feeder entered, hissing and clacking, then flew into wall, assumed defensive stance on ground

2024-07-22 16:29 kv/rmb
Leftovers: 0
Food: 64 g 1/2 FL + 1/2 ck (+ vit + Ca) Watch food intake carefully

BARP initially, NOLO, hissing and clacking, flew face first into the wall, defensive stance on ground

2024-07-22 11:43 me/bt
Leftovers: 0
Food: 60 g M/CK (+ vit + Ca) Watch food intake carefully

2024-07-21 17:34 BW/KG
Leftovers: 0
Food: 55g 1/2 FL + 1/2
BARP, puffed up and clucked. NOLO.

2024-07-21 09:48 FM/DG/RB
Leftovers: 0
Food: 30g FL + 30g m

BARP by door. went to ground when i entered.

2024-07-20 16:01 BT/CD
Leftovers: 0
Food: 61 g m/r
Was on ground and stayed on ground while food was placed. Clacky

2024-07-20 10:10 cd
Weight: 1216 grams, Keel score: 2.0, Leftovers: 0
Weight change: +45 g (4 %)
Food: 62g g 1/2 FL + 1/2 m (+ vit + Ca) Watch food intake carefully
Keel check
Move to - Something larger

Up in weight but keel is still around 2.

2024-07-19 15:59 es/cd
Leftovers: 0
Food: 57 g 1/2 FL + 1/2 M (+ vit + Ca) Watch food intake carefully

No lo

2024-07-19 09:00 jh/sc
Leftovers: 0
Food: 57 g m (+ vit + Ca) Watch food intake carefully
BAR, perched on ledge beside door, hissy
NOLO, jumped on new food immediately

2024-07-18 15:57 kk/bw
Leftovers: 0
Food: 64 g 1/2 FL + 1/2 M/CK

BARP NOLO Started to eat immediately

2024-07-18 09:50 lm/me
Leftovers: 0
Food: 60 g 1/2 FL + 1/2 M
BAR, crouched in front of condo, got up onto perch to change papers, hissing clacking

2024-07-17 17:02 MB/CD
Leftovers: 0
Food: 70 g 1/2 FL + 1/2 M/CK/R (+ vit + Ca) Watch food intake carefully

Perched side, puffed up and hissing

2024-07-17 16:46 jh/cd

Collection date2024-07-17
Collection date2024-07-17

2024-07-17 10:19 ES/RMB
Weight: 1171 grams, Keel score: 1.5
Weight change: -4 g (0 %)
Food: 57g 1/2 FL + 1/2 M/CK/R (+ vit + Ca) Watch food intake carefully
Keel check
Check shoulders/sides of keel for SQ air - All good


----------- ORDER CHANGE -------------
Increase Food

2024-07-16 16:58 kv/rmb
Leftovers: 0
Food: 56 g 1/2 FL + 1/2 CK (+ vit + Ca) Watch food intake carefully

BARP, NOLO, hissing and clacking.

2024-07-16 14:41 rmb

----------- ORDER CHANGE -------------

2024-07-16 09:42 me/ae/ea
Leftovers: 0
Food: 54 g fl
Fenbendazole: 0.35 cc (100 mg/ml susp) PO
met feeder at door, would not relinquish location, BAR , hissy, clacky, defensive wings
used gloves to move to back, changed papers

2024-07-15 17:17 kv/rmb
Leftovers: 0
Food: 35 g FL c/u big (size C) (+ vit + Ca) Watch food intake carefully
Force feed: 20 g FL (+ vit + Ca), If not eating
SQ fluids: 40 if not eating

BARP, NOLO, very vocal (clacking and making baby GHOW noise,) he ate all his food, so no SQ LRS or FF, all food left in cage.

2024-07-15 10:32 BT/ME

Band changed to: 22093

2024-07-15 08:50 BT/ME
Leftovers: 5
Food: 33 g FL c/u big (size C) (+ vit + Ca) Watch food intake carefully
Force feed: 20 g FL (+ vit + Ca)
SQ fluids: 40
Fenbendazole: 0.35 cc (100 mg/ml susp) PO
BAR, standing
5 g LO
Anesthetized with ISO via mask for intake Radiographs, 3 views: NSF

Applied ID band # 22093


2024-07-14 17:24 GC/BW
Leftovers: 20
Food: 34 g ck c/u big (size C)
Tweezer feed: 20 g FL (+ vit + Ca)
SQ fluids: 40

BARP, clacky, angry. 20 g LOs. Tweezer fed really well!

2024-07-14 09:50 RMB/FLM
Weight: 1175 grams, Keel score: 1.5, Leftovers: 23
Weight change: +15 g (1 %)
Food: 32 g FL c/u big (size C) (+ vit + Ca) Watch food intake carefully
Force feed: 20 g FL (+ vit + Ca), If not eating
SQ fluids: 40
Fenbendazole: 0.35 cc (100 mg/ml susp) PO
Radiograph: intake, if stable - postpone
Keel check
Check shoulders/sides of keel for SQ air - yes, dorsal left shoulder, not bad

Very BAR, 23 g LO

Flat flies, Bronco

Tongue still has white matter under, will ask for swab today

2024-07-13 17:54 sd/bw
Leftovers: 31
Food: 33g FL c/u big (size C) (+ vit + Ca)
Force feed: 20 g FL (+ vit + Ca),
SQ fluids: 40 cc

Food untouched. BAR and clacky. Tweezer fed well

2024-07-13 09:10 cd/mlm
Weight: 1160 grams, Leftovers: 41
Weight change: +5 g (0 %)
Food: 30-35 g FL c/u big (size C) (+ vit + Ca) Watch food intake carefully
Force feed: 20 g FL (+ vit + Ca), If not eating - Tweezer fed all FF. He did great!
SQ fluids: 40
Fenbendazole: 0.35 cc (100 mg/ml susp) PO

2024-07-12 17:00 cd
Leftovers: 21
Food: 50 g FL c/u big (size C) (+ vit + Ca) Watch food intake carefully
Force feed: 35 g FL (+ vit + Ca)
SQ fluids: 40

BAR, hunched in back. Jumped against corner a few times. 21g LO removed. Swabbed tongue and stained slide but did not have time to read tonight.

2024-07-11 17:18 RMB/ES
Leftovers: 21
Food: 30-35g FL c/u (size C) (+ vit + Ca) Watch food intake carefully
Force feed: 20g FL (+ vit + Ca), If not eating
SQ fluids: 40 if not eating

Did not eat, FF 20g FL and 40 cc fluids sq
Has yellow/white substance under tongue

2024-07-11 14:11 RMB

Start 5 day course of Fenben

Collection date2024-07-11
ResultsPOS for
Collection date2024-07-11
ResultsPOS for

2024-07-11 12:18 ME/RMB
Leftovers: 0
Food: 25g FL c/u (size B) (+ vit + Ca)

BARP, hissy. Pupils reactin normally

2024-07-10 17:52 cd/ms
Weight: 1155 grams, Keel score: 2.0
Transferred from CJWR. Found in a fenced-in backyard, not flying.

------------- PHYSICAL EXAM FINDINGS ----------------
Behavior and Neuro: BAR
Mouth: clean
Ears: clean
Keel and pectoral muscles: sq emphysema on ventral shoulders/sides of keel, R worse than L
Vent: clean
Body condition score: 2
Left wing: wnl full ext
Right wing: wnl full ext
Left leg: wnl full ext
Right leg: wnl full ext
Ectoparasites: feather lice

Bird presents very BAR and clacky/vocal. Not tracking hand movements consistently. SQ air on ventral side of shoulder area/upper sides of keel. Much more pronounced on R side. No wounds or bruising found. Treated for emaciation and set up in KR2. Feather lice found on gown after bird was set up - spray with bronco tomorrow.

30cc LRS SQ + vit b
0.12cc iron dextran im

Continue treatment for emaciation and monitor sq air

Eye exam
Exam date - 2024-07-10
Examiner - cd/ms
Stain Stain 
Right eye:
PLR very slightly delayed. No pattern evident. Otherwise wnl
Left eye:
PLR very slightly delayed. no pattern evident. otherwise wnl

Version 4.0.2 - 4.0.7 Tue Oct 15 20:27:02 2024